IOEBA registered. Binky is a beautiful blue tri merle. She should be around 45 pounds when grown. She has a sweet personality ! She loves the outside…
$1,600Beautiful Blue merle with Tan points. Going to be a bit bigger girl. 9-11 pounds as adult. She is gorgeous,.. going to have a very big double coat, currently…
$1,800Adorable Blue Merle male pup! His birthday is 1/27/23 and he is ready for his forever family! Charting weight is 4lbs fully grown. He will come to you…
SOLDAva is a beautiful blue Merle female DOB 4/18/23. She is AKC registered, current weight is 3.6 lbs. charting to be 7.3 lbs. she is vetted with age appropriate…
SOLDAdorable Blue Merle male pup with blue eyes! Her birthday is 1/27/23 and she will be ready for her new home after March 24th. Charting weight is 4lbs fully…
SOLDMaddie is a CKC registered female Pomeranian puppy for sale. She is ready for pick up now. She is a Blue Merle color. She will come with her first shots…