I have been breeding for ten years. I breed for quality as well as temperment . All of my puppies are raised in my home with my son and 5 adult bulldogs. They…
Teddy is the offspring of our housepets, Wiggles (Shih Tzu/Mother), and Baily (Bichon Frise/Father). This is a first litter, and Teddy was raised by his parents…
My name is Katherine. I own 3 beautiful Siberian Huskies. They are red and white huskies. they are very loved, spoiled, and very well taken care of. I am looking…
We breed healthy pet-quality Cavalier King Charles Spaniels. We own both mother and father who are our family pets. We also offer stud service for both AKC…
I own male liver dalmation 1 1/2 ur old