Goldengate Poodles and Pugs

Denver, CO

Two cousins - each intrigued with the love of dogs. Katerina bought and owns Sophy - a purebred miniature poodle, and Mariya owns Dosya, a loving and affectionate pug. We decided to breed our dogs because we felt that such companions that we own ought to be accessible to everyone. Each breed has its own characteristics that will fit any individual. The hypoallergenic nature of the poodle allows for people with allergies to enjoy the company of a dog when such an opportunity was not available before, and the pug thrives in small areas - not requiring as much exercise as the typical dog - which allows for the workaholic to still be able to come home to a caring friend.

Services Offered by Goldengate Poodles and Pugs

Goldengate Poodles and Pugs' Breeding

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Availability: Any Day of the Week



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