We have 3 poodle looking for love. I have 2 Black MALES and one CHOCOLATE FEMALE THEY have 1 shots and dewormed. Selling for pets only.
$900The Red Patriots Litter was born 5/29/2024. Two striking female and six handsome male standard poodle puppies available. Whatever adventure awaits,…
$975Standard Poodle puppy- beautiful and healthy, great personality, easy going and playful, very good with everyone and everything. He is black with white…
$500So far, he is black with a white marking on his chest and chin, and he has white in his feet, he could change because his mother is a sable but have to…
$500He is a parti sable. His mother weighs 65lbs from North Carolina, his father is White from Tennessee both parents have AKC, if you would like puppy to…
$500He is a parti sable, His mother weighs 65lbs from North Carolina, his father is White from Tennessee both parents have AKC, if you would like puppy to…
$500She is a phantom so far; she may fade and be a phantom sable have to wait and see. Her mother weighs 65lbs from North Carolina, his father is White from…
$700She is a sable. Her mother weighs 65lbs from North Carolina, his father is White from Tennessee both parents have AKC, if you would like puppy to be registered…