Pembroke Welsh Corgi Puppies Contact us If you can give these puppies a loving and caring home please contact me now. I am very busy and don't have time…
$600I have 3 males and 2 females. 3 shots and wormed weekly. Very friendly and active. AKC registered.
$450This lil guy is "all that"! Very sweet, and very playful. Cotton is the smallest in the litter and charted to be around 5 lbs fully grown. He has a nice…
$1,900Approximate maturity size: 40 lbs. She has a medium drive. She is loving, sweet, happy, and active. She would excel in obedience, tricks, and/or agility…
$1,500This guy is a very lovely red apricot abstract male, The white on his chest is a large spot. His activity level is medium to active. He would make a fine…
$1,300I have five AKC registered miniature American shepherd puppies available. They were eight weeks on Monday, so they're all ready to go now. they are all…
$800Small active little female Maltipoo puppy. Full of energy. She should be around 6/7 lbs full grown.
SOLDVery active and playful small female Maltipoo. Should be around 6/7 lbs full grown.