Dog Breeders in Algonquin, IL

Illinois (66 mi)

We breed Johnson type american bulldogs, championship line and NKC Registered

Primary Business
Primary Breed
American Bulldog
Any Day of the Week
Tinley Park, IL (66 mi)

West German Showline German Shepherds

Primary Business
Primary Breed
German Shepherd
Beloit, WI (67 mi)

There are 8 puppies half male the other half female. dad is a red nose pit and the mom is a regular nose pit. both are friendly and well behaved.

Primary Business
Primary Breed
Pit Bull Terrier
$4000.00 / Pup Veterinarian
Any Day of the Week
Beloit, WI (67 mi)

Registered American Bulldogs. Born and raised in my home. Loyal, Socialized Parents are on-site, sweet and very smart. Very good temperament, strong protection…

Primary Business
Primary Breed
Paw Paw, IL (69 mi)

This is a one time opportunity for our Bostons we wanted one of our own puppies from Mia & Milo. Not intending to breed them again. So we are not a puppy…

Primary Business
Primary Breed
Any Day of the Week
Milwaukee, WI (69 mi)

We currently have a 6 month old male Husky Rottweiler mix who we are looking to have a partner, or breed with. He is very calm and tempered.

Primary Business
Primary Breed
Any Day of the Week
South Milwaukee, WI (71 mi)

Miniature doxy long hair

Primary Business
Primary Breed
Any Day of the Week
Rockford, IL (72 mi)

Improving and breeding top quality Pugs, Beagles, & Puggles since 1990. We are located in the far N.W. Chicago suburbs and, along with our 13 children…

Primary Business
Primary Breed
$200.00 / Estrus Cycle Breeding
Any Day of the Week