Dog Breeders in Jamestown, TN

Bardstown, KY (121 mi)

baby sugar gliders, 4 months old, males and females, $200 each or $375 for two, I can't reply to email, call me at 502-349-1516.

Primary Business
Primary Breed
$200.00 / Each Breeding
Any Day of the Week
Manchester, TN (123 mi)

Breeder for 16 years.

Primary Business
Primary Breed
Any Day of the Week
Brownsville, KY (126 mi)

Pups are family raised and we will NOT ship our pups.

Primary Business
Primary Breed
American Bully
$550.00 / 600 Boarding
Any Day of the Week
Brownsville, KY (126 mi)

Raise Black,White,Red,Silver and party colored toy poodles. Not a dog mill! Have spent time choosing sensible, healthy, trainable, and quality dogs for sire…

Primary Business
Primary Breed
Any Day of the Week
Oneida, KY (129 mi)

We have been Breeding for 10 years We have references available We also invite you to come see our Bulldogs

Primary Business
Primary Breed
Any Day of the Week
Elizabethtown, KY (130 mi)

We are a small family owner breeder that care for all our Doxies with love and special care. The babies are well socialized with children and other dogs as…

Primary Business
Primary Breed
Elizabethtown, KY (130 mi)

As a breeder, I am dedicated to raising and training the best Miniature Goldendoodles in the area. -And I believe that we are changing the world - one puppy…

Primary Business
Primary Breed
Miniature Goldendoodle
Irvine, KY (131 mi)

Hi, I have been raising and selling yorkies since 1991. I am very proud of my stock and worked hard to get nice dogs. We guarantee their health and they are…

Primary Business
Primary Breed
$600.00 Breeding
Any Day of the Week
$600.00 Breeding
Any Day of the Week