Beautiful litter of Siberian Husky puppies! I have males and females available. Now taking deposits. They will be ready late September. Vetted, raised…
$650Look at these adorable Golden Retriever puppies! Ready at the end of September, 2024. These will be registered, health certificate from vet, current…
$1,350I have a registered litter of Weimaraner puppies ready in two weeks. Now taking deposits. I have boys available. Will be vetted, raised indoors, vaccinated…
$700My sweet Phoebe Bleu had pups on March 20th 2024. The pups have had health check and 2nd set of shots. They are 22 weeks old.
$700My sweet Phoebe Bleu had pups on March 20th 2024. The pups have had health check and 2nd set of shots. They are 22 weeks old.
$700My sweet Phoebe Bleu had pups on March 20th 2024. The pups have had health check and 2nd set of shots. They are 22 weeks old.
$700IOEBA registered. Binky is a beautiful blue tri merle. She should be around 45 pounds when grown. She has a sweet personality ! She loves the outside…
$1,6003yr Old Yorkshire terrier born Feb 1st 2021. Weighs only 3.4lbs, very friendly, loves kids. Has all shots & paperwork. Not fixed. Willing to negotiate…