Bear is a handsome phantom Toy Poodle male puppy. He is ready for his new home now. He is $800.00. He comes with his CKC registration papers, is up to…
$800Beau is a stunning male phantom toy poodle puppy. He is ready for his new home now. He comes with his CKC registration papers, is up to date on vaccinations…
$800Bella is a sweet little Toy Poodle female puppy. She is $1000.00. She comes with her CKC registration papers, is up to date on vaccinations and dewormings…
$1,000Layla is a tiny chocolate yorkipoo female puppy. At 9 weeks, she is charting to weigh just over 5 pounds. She is $800.00. She comes with her CKC registration…
$800Lucy is a tiny female yorkipoo puppy. At 9 weeks old, she is charting a little over 5 pounds. She is $800.00. She comes with her CKC registration papers…
$800Sweet little Male Shih-Tzu puppy. He’s a very playful little boy. He’s very good with kids. This little boy has a very sweet personality and a good temperament…
$400Sweet little Female Shih-Tzu puppy. She’s a very playful little girl. She’s very good with kids. This girl has a very sweet personality and a good temperament…
$500London and Gryffindor have done amazing with this rainbow litter of Sheepadoodles!! • Lime - Black Female • F1b Mini Sheepadoodle • 30-50 Pounds Full…