AKC Standard Poodle puppies born 4/15/2024. 1 black female and 4 black males available. They have been vet checked, vaccinated and wormed. They are family…
$900This handsome male party Schnauzer (White and liver brown) was raised in my home since birth, he has had dew claws removed and tail docked, wormed on puppy…
SOLDThis beautiful male AKC Schnauzer puppy is looking for his new forever home today. He has had his dew claws removed, tail docked, had schedule deworming…
SOLDLittle Sheba is a sable hybrid cross 3/4 Pomeranian and 1/4 Miniature Australian Shepherd! Her sable colored mother is bred from a sable Pomeranian mother…
SOLDEnergetic & Friendly! Turned 8 weeks 8/16/23. NKC Registered Puppy Papers - Have had 1st shot & dewormed. Ready for Loving Homes! 225. per puppy .…
SOLDSweet, Energetic, & Playful! Male Beagle. Has had 1st & 2nd Shot & Dewormed. NKC Puppy Papers. Pick up in Lenoir City, TN -exit 81, off I-75, or I…
SOLD1 Male yorkie Black/Mahogany in color Deposit required
SOLDWith a very sad heart, I am rehoming my beautiful boy. He has been neutered. He is a CKC Red Merle Australian Shepherd with blue & green eyes. He is very…