Bichon Frise Puppies Contact If you can give these puppies a loving and caring home please contact me now. I am very busy and don't have time to care for…
$600We have adorable Cavalier King Charles Spaniel puppy ready for a loving and caring home . She is 13 weeks old, potty trained, akc registered and right…
$1,000Beautiful Dax is a unique mahagony chocolate color with no tan points (so far). This little sweetheart is a mixed head baby, not looking to be quite as…
$800Cute little Luther is a glossy black boy with a sleek coat. This boy is so handsome. He's going to be a very nice boy with a fantastic cobby build.…
$1,000AKC German Shepherd pups....Both parents have gentle temperaments...Pups are loyal companions and would a great family member..Hip and Health guarantee…
$1,200AKC Keeshond Puppies, I have been raising Keeshond puppies for over 40 years. They are handled daily to build a better bond for your family. They will…
$2,000AKC Keeshond Puppy, Born 8-4-24. I have been raising Keeshond Puppies for 40 years. This is a very family friendly breed and easy to train. They will…
$2,000AKC Cavalier King Charles Spaniels. We have 4 colors available. They are friendly, happy playful babies. They will adapt to any family situation. They…